Well kiddies, it's day seven of my radioactivity and I'm sorry to say, I've seen absolutely no signs that I have developed god-like super powers of any kind.
I know, I'm sad too.
One thing I did develop though was a horrific cold/flu thing!!
Oh, wait, no. It sucked donkey dong. Never mind, no yay for that. In fact, fuck that. It really sucked.
Anyway, on this past Friday, I started feeling achy, and developed a runny nose. Part of me hoped it was burgeoning superpowers, you know like in "Spider-Man," where Petey gets all sickly and passes out after he gets bit by the spider?
Well, it wasn't superpowers, it was just the flu or something and by Saturday, I was sick as a dog.
I ended up spending the majority of the day asleep or completely miserable, or both. Then proceeded to sleep for 14 straight hours on Sunday.
I'm still trying to take it easy, but am feeling much better today.
So, thanks for asking!
Tomorrow, I get to go to the endocrinologist's and find out how my thyroid is doing.
Then I get to come home and launder all my radioactive shit, throw away my toothbrush, clean up the mess that accumulated during my convalescence and time permitting, go look for Halloween costumes!!!
Whoo-hoo! Wish me luck!